Pogo69's Blog

May 7, 2011

The Missing LINQ – CRM 4.0 SDK – Advanced Developer Extensions

Filed under: .NET, C#, CRM, Cutting Code — Tags: , , , — pogo69 [Pat Janes] @ 09:01

In my inaugural post, I made brief mention of the newly introduced capabilities of the LINQ provider included as part of the most recent revision of the CRM 4.0 SDK – the Advanced Developer Extensions.  In this post, I’ll go into more detail about the features available and how it can increase developer productivity by reducing lines of code and increasing the testability and maintainability of the code.

The article wouldn’t be complete, however, without mentioning some of the current downsides; you can find the caveats later in the post.

NB: I started writing this post last year before CRM 2011 had been released but got distracted (not in the least bit unusual for me).  Most of what I’ve written is still applicable to the CRM 2011 LINQ provider as the underlying query mechanism (Query Expressions) is the same.


One of the most exciting new features of the .NET framework is LINQ (Microsoft Language Integrated Query).  Using an applicable provider, LINQ provides SQL-like access to an underlying object model, via some compiler magic and a collection of extension methods (global static methods that take a “this” pointer as their first parameter).

LINQ allows strongly typed queries and results to an arbitrary underlying data model.  The Advanced Developer Extensions makes available a LINQ provider to access CRM entities and attributes via the xRM LINQ provider.

Advanced Developer Extensions


In order to be able to write LINQ queries against the CRM, you must first generate the following:

  • DataContext class – allows a “connection” to the CRM and provides access to both collections of CRM entities and CRUD methods
  • Data Transfer Objects – a mapping between a CRM entity instance and a .NET object with which your source code can interact

If you wish to keep the model consistent and in sync, the CrmSvcUtil.exe utility must be re-run each time you make metadata changes to the corresponding CRM installation.

xRM LINQ Queries

So, let’s look at some simple queries:

DataContext xrm = new DataContext("Xrm.ConnectionString");

Guid contactId = new Guid("{12341234-1234-1234-123412341234}");

List<incident> myCases =
	from cs in xrm.incidents
	join c in xrm.contacts on cs.customerid.Value equals c.contactid
	where c.contactid == contactId
	select cs

This simple “join” query returns all Case entities assigned to the Contact referenced by the Guid “contactId”.  To write the equivalent query in QueryExpression syntax would consume many more lines of code, and largely obfuscate the intention of the query.

With LINQ, the simplified syntax allows us to see:

  • Selection criteria
  • Source entities
  • Link criteria
  • Output attributes
  • Ordering

and more, all in one simple statement.

Returning Custom Classes

The previous query returns entire CRM entities (via the corresponding Data Transfer Object); it is also possible to return only a selection of the entity’s attributes, thus:

var myCases =
		from cs in xrm.incidents
		join c in xrm.contacts on cs.customerid.Value equals c.contactid
		where c.contactid == contactId
		select new

The keyword “var” refers to an anonymous type; anonymous types allow the dynamic creation of an object, without having to explicitly declare the type of the resultant object.  Anonymous types may only contain read-only properties; if you wish to subsequently manipulate the content of the returned results, you must declare and instantiate instances of explicitly declared types.

The following provides an (almost real world, albeit abbreviated) example:

protected class AppointmentDataItem
	// appointment attributes
	public Guid AppointmentId { get; set; }
	public DateTime ScheduledStart { get; set; }
	public DateTime ScheduledEnd { get; set; }
	public DateTime Booked { get; set; }

	// case (job) attributes
	public string JobTicketNumber { get; set; }
	public Guid JobId { get; set; }

	// contact (customer) attributes
	public string CustomerName { get; set; }
	public string CustomerTelephone { get; set; }
	public string CustomerAddress { get; set; }
	public string CustomerCity { get; set; }
	public string CustomerState { get; set; }
	public string CustomerPostcode { get; set; }
	public string CalendarDisplayTitle { get; set; }


List<AppointmentDataItem> appointments =
		from app in xrm.appointments
		join cs in xrm.incidents on app.regardingobjectid.Value equals cs.incidentid
		where cs.msa_partnercontactid.Value == contactId
		select new AppointmentDataItem
				AppointmentId = app.activityid,
				ScheduledStart = activity.scheduledstart.GetValueOrDefault().ToLocalTime(),
				ScheduledEnd = activity.scheduledend.GetValueOrDefault().ToLocalTime(),
				Booked = activity.createdon.GetValueOrDefault().ToLocalTime()


foreach (AppointmentDataItem appointment in appointments)
	// get the Case object to which the Appointment is attached
	var job =
		from cs in xrm.incidents
		join app in xrm.appointments on cs.incidentid equals app.regardingobjectid.Value
		where app.activityid == appointment.AppointmentId
		select cs

	appointment.JobId = job.incidentid;
	appointment.JobTicketNumber = job.ticketnumber;

	// get the Customer Contact to whom the Case is attached
	var customer =
		from cust in xrm.contacts
		join cs in xrm.incidents on cust.contactid equals cs.customerid.Value
		join app in xrm.appointments on cs.incidentid equals app.regardingobjectid.Value
		where app.activityid == appointment.AppointmentId
		select cust

	appointment.CustomerName = customer.fullname;
	appointment.CustomerAddress = customer.address1_line1;
	appointment.CustomerCity = customer.address1_city;
	appointment.CustomerState = customer.address1_stateorprovince;
	appointment.CustomerPostcode = customer.address1_postalcode;
	appointment.CustomerTelephone = customer.telephone2;
	appointment.CalendarDisplayTitle = customer.fullname + " " + FormatTelephone(customer.telephone2) + "<br />" + FormatAddress(activity);

So, we:

  • Declare our new custom type
  • Query for, and return a List of instances of our new type
  • Update the properties of our object instances at will

Pretty cool; and we’re still “talking” to CRM in terms of entities and attributes using a relatively natural (to those of us with SQL skills anyway) language.

Restrictions (some of those Caveats I mentioned)

There are limitations to the queries that can be written using the xRM LINQ provider.  These restrictions are due to the underlying query mechanism to which the LINQ provider translates its queries – Query Expression.

One Entity’s Attributes per Query – The impact of Query Expression

Using Query Expressions, we can only return attribute values for a single entity at a time.  A corollary of this is that an xRM LINQ Query can only return attribute values for a single entity at a time.  For instance, the following is not valid and will error:

var contact =
		from c in xrm.contacts
		join a in xrm.accounts on c.parentcustomerid.Value equals a.accountid
		where c.emailaddress1 != null
		select new
				ContactName = c.fullname,
				AccountName = a.name

While the code will compile and run (it *is* valid C# and valid LINQ syntax), it will generate the following error at run-time as soon as you attempt to iterate the resultant collection:

The ‘select’ and ‘orderBy’ calls may only reference a single common entity type.

If you wish to retrieve more than one entity’s attributes in a single query, you are forced to “project” the CRM Entity’s Data Transfer Object(s) onto a local object collection via the ToList() method or similar.  Unfortunately, this brings up another caveat.

Projection of Data Transfer Objects onto Local Object collections

The following revised query (NB: the ToList() projection in the ‘from’ clause):

var contact =
		from c in xrm.contacts.ToList()
		join a in xrm.accounts on c.parentcustomerid.Value equals a.accountid
		where c.emailaddress1 != null
		select new
				ContactName = c.fullname,
				AccountName = a.name

will no longer error as the ToList() projection turns our Contact entity Data Transfer Objects into a local object collection.

What this means however, is that the LINQ provider will return ALL CRM Contact entities, BEFORE it applies either your predicates (where clause) or attribute selection.

In other words, each and every attribute of each and every entity instance is returned, and subsequently whittled down in memory by the remainder of your LINQ query.  This can be very expensive in terms of speed and bandwidth depending on the number and size of the entities in your query.

If you find this to be an issue, you will need to revise your code to use a mechanism such as that described above, wherein you create custom classes to retrieve the relevant data one entity type at a time.

Restricted Predicates – The impact of Condition Expressions

A Condition Expression takes the following form:

ConditionExpression condition = new ConditionExpression("<logicalattributename>", ConditionOperator, object);

This means that the predicates in your CRM LINQ queries must follow a similar format:

where <entityinstance>.<attribute> == "<value>"
  • The left-hand side of the predicate MUST be an entity attribute
  • The right-hand side of the predicate MUST be a variable or literal

This prevents us from comparing attribute values between entities or even from comparing attribute values from the same entity instance.  For instance, the following is NOT valid:

var contacts =
		from c in xrm.contacts
		where c.modifiedon.Value > c.createdon.Value
		select c
resulting in the following run-time (because again, it *is* valid c# and valid LINQ) error:
Lambda Parameter not in scope

Of course, you can “solve” this problem by projecting onto a local object collection as per above, but you risk the same performance issues previously described.

Many to Many Queries

I’m sure you can find examples somewhere in the SDK, but I figured I’d make mention of many-to-many queries, as they require some “unusual” syntax, once again due to their relationship to the underlying Query Expressions.

In a recent project my data model included a many-to-many relationship between the Category entity and the Module entity.  To query for each Module attached to a particular Category, my query looks like the following:

List<Module> desiredModules =
		from mod in xrm.ame_modules.ToList()
		from mod_cat in mod.ame_ame_category_ame_module
		join cat in xrm.ame_categoryame_categories on mod_cat.ame_categoryid equals cat.ame_categoryid
		where cat.ame_categoryid == desiredCategoryId
		where mod.statuscode.Value == 1
		select new Module
				CategoryId = cat.ame_categoryid,

				ModuleId = mod.ame_moduleid,
				ModuleNo = mod.ame_name,
				ModuleTitle = mod.ame_title

The first thing you will probably notice is that I used ToList() to project the Modules onto a local object collection.  This is so that I could populate my custom Module class with the Category to which it was attached.  In this case, I know that the number of Categories/Modules/Subjects in the system will never be prohibitively large and there are only 2-3 custom attributes on each, so I can live with the overhead.

The “unusual” thing about the query is that we have 2 “from” clauses – this won’t make any sense to SQL aficionados, but it is necessary due to Query Expression and the way that many-to-many relationships are represented via the CRM SDK – the Moniker.

More Cool Stuff

Custom Comparators (this is more C# than CRM, but it’ll get you thinking)

In the same project described above, I need to build lists of Modules and Subjects that a user requires to complete a selected qualification (Category).

First, the user selects their desired Category, from which a list of required Modules and Subjects is constructed:

// obtain desired modules/subjects
List<Module> desiredModules =
		from mod in xrm.ame_modules.ToList()
		from mod_cat in mod.ame_ame_category_ame_module
		join cat in xrm.ame_categoryame_categories on mod_cat.ame_categoryid equals cat.ame_categoryid
		where cat.ame_categoryid == desiredCategoryId
		where mod.statuscode.Value == 1
		select new Module
				CategoryId = cat.ame_categoryid,

				ModuleId = mod.ame_moduleid,
				ModuleNo = mod.ame_name,
				ModuleTitle = mod.ame_title

List<Subject> desiredSubjects =
		from sub in xrm.ame_subjects.ToList()
		from mod_sub in sub.ame_ame_module_ame_subject
		join mod in desiredModules on mod_sub.ame_moduleid equals mod.ModuleId
		where sub.statuscode.Value == 1
		select new Subject
				ModuleId = mod.ModuleId,

				SubjectId = sub.ame_subjectid,
				SubjectNo = sub.ame_name,
				SubjectTitle = sub.ame_title

Next, the user selects each Category that they currently hold, from which a list of currently held Modules and Subjects is constructed:

// obtain currently held modules/subjects
List<Module> heldModules =
		from mod in xrm.ame_modules.ToList()
		from mod_cat in mod.ame_ame_category_ame_module
		join held in heldCategories on mod_cat.ame_categoryid equals held
		where mod.statuscode.Value == 1
		select new Module
			CategoryId = held,

			ModuleId = mod.ame_moduleid,
			ModuleNo = mod.ame_name,
			ModuleTitle = mod.ame_title

List<Subject> heldSubjects =
		from sub in xrm.ame_subjects.ToList()
		from mod_sub in sub.ame_ame_module_ame_subject
		join mod in heldModules on mod_sub.ame_moduleid equals mod.ModuleId
		where sub.statuscode.Value == 1
		select new Subject
			ModuleId = mod.ModuleId,

			SubjectId = sub.ame_subjectid,
			SubjectNo = sub.ame_name,
			SubjectTitle = sub.ame_title

Next, I needed to calculate the difference.  That is, remove all Modules and Subjects currently held from the list of required Modules and Subjects.

I started with the following:

// calculate difference
List<Module> requiredModules = desiredModules.Except(heldModules).ToList();
List<Subject> requiredSubjects = desiredSubjects.Except(heldSubjects).ToList();

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work correctly.  As the relationship between each entity is many-to-many and I am storing the parent identifier in my local Module and Subject classes, the “held” Modules/Subjects never matched the “required” Modules/Subjects – for the Modules, the CategoryId didn’t match and for the Subjects, the ModuleId didn’t match:

internal class Module
	internal Guid CategoryId { get; set; }

	internal Guid ModuleId { get; set; }
	internal string ModuleNo { get; set; }
	internal string ModuleTitle { get; set; }

internal class Subject
	internal Guid ModuleId { get; set; }

	internal Guid SubjectId { get; set; }
	internal string SubjectNo { get; set; }
	internal string SubjectTitle { get; set; }

Enter, the Custom Comparator.  A custom comparator can be used to provide rules for comparison for classes that don’t meet the default property-wise comparison criteria.  Your custom comparator must inherit from IEqualityComparer.  For simplicity I’ll show only the Module comparator:

class ModuleComparer : IEqualityComparer<Module>
	public bool Equals(Module x, Module y)
		//Check whether the compared objects reference the same data.
		if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;

		//Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
		if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y, null)) return false;

		//Check whether the Modules' properties are equal.
		return x.ModuleId == y.ModuleId;

	// If Equals() returns true for a pair of objects
	// then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
	public int GetHashCode(Module module)
		//Check whether the object is null
		if (Object.ReferenceEquals(module, null)) return 0;

		return module.ModuleId.GetHashCode();

So, my basis for comparison is only the ModuleId:

//Check whether the Modules' properties are equal.
return x.ModuleId == y.ModuleId;

and I use the ModuleId’s hash code as the Module’s hash code:

return module.ModuleId.GetHashCode();

So, I can now alter my code to the following:

// calculate difference
List<Module> requiredModules = desiredModules.Except(heldModules, new ModuleComparer()).ToList();
List<Subject> requiredSubjects = desiredSubjects.Except(heldSubjects, new SubjectComparer()).ToList();

and it returns the correct results.

March 31, 2011

Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll v4.0 vs v5.0 – CRM 4.0 SDK Library Redirection to CRM 2011

Filed under: .NET, C#, CRM, Cutting Code — Tags: , , , , — pogo69 [Pat Janes] @ 11:12

NB: This issue has been fixed in CRM 2011 Rollup 1.

We completed the migration of our internal CRM 4.0 system to CRM 2011 last week.  It all went reasonably smoothly with only what appear to be a few lingering javascript customisations that don’t play nicely with the new system.

We also run an externally available Customer Support Portal using the Customer Portal Accelerator from CodePlex.  This web application leverages the XRM libraries in the CRM 4.0 SDK to provide a reference implementation for Customer Support, upon which developers with the requisite skills can build additional functionality.

While it would be nice to move to the new CRM 2011 specific versions of the Portal Accelerators, I had to get the existing version up and running ASAP, so that our customers didn’t experience undue difficulties with the transition; let’s face it, as CRM Developers, who ever has time to work on their internal systems when there’s client work to do?  In order to get it all working on the new system, I had to change a few things.  In case anyone else needs to do the same, the following describes the process.


CRM 2011 utilises the .NET framework v4.0.  Many of the Configuration Sections in a Web.config generated for a .NET 3.5 web application are no longer necessary in .NET 4.0 as they are specified in the Machine.config and are therefore inherited by each Web Application.

I made the following modifications to my Web.Release.config (Config Transform for Release Builds) to remove the offending sections when I compiled a Release build:

<configuration xmlns:xdt="<a href="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform</a>">
    <sectionGroup name="system.web.extensions" type="System.Web.Configuration.SystemWebExtensionsSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <sectionGroup name="scripting" type="System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
        <section name="scriptResourceHandler" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="Remove"/>
        <sectionGroup name="webServices" type="System.Web.Configuration.ScriptingWebServicesSectionGroup, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
          <section name="jsonSerialization" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="Remove"/>
          <section name="profileService" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="Remove"/>
          <section name="authenticationService" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="Remove"/>
          <section name="roleService" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="Remove"/>

CRM SDK Library – Redirect from v4.0 to v5.0

This was a tricky one.  It seems that the installation of CRM 2011 places a machine-wide redirection for the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll from the v4.0 to the v5.0 version.

This means that any application running on the CRM Server that relies on the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll assembly will load the v5.0 version even if the v4.0 version exists in the application’s /bin folder!  I verified this by enabling Fusion logging:

In order to be able to successfully load the v4.0 version of the assembly and execute your legacy v4.0 code, you have to override the <publisherpolicy /> set at the machine level, with the following addition to the application configuration file:

<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
    <assemblyBinding appliesTo="v4.0.30319" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Crm.Sdk" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35"/>
        <publisherPolicy apply="no"/>

November 5, 2010

Caching Revisited – CRM 4.0 SDK – Advanced Developer Extensions

Filed under: C#, CRM — Tags: , , , , , — pogo69 [Pat Janes] @ 14:07

I was in the middle of a posting on some more advanced concepts regarding the querying of CRM via the new LINQ provider (Microsoft.Xrm.Client) when I discovered another hidden gem.  I’ve now proven the concept and it is so useful, I had to post about it immediately.

Cache Invalidation Plugin

After the release of the new CRM 4.0 SDK, there was a lot of talk generated about the “all or nothing” caching mechanism.  Much of that talk can be found on the Codeplex CRM Accelerator site, due to the Accelerator’s heavy reliance on the xRM client and portal libraries.

There is a hint in a couple of the postings (and somewhere in the xRM documentation I believe) of a Cache Invalidation Plugin; however, no specifics are available and it was subsequently announced that it didn’t get shipped.  Well, guess what?  IT WAS SHIPPED!!  And it’s living inside the same Microsoft.Xrm.Client.dll that we’re all using to help write our fancy new LINQ queries!!

I found it when browsing the assembly with truly magnificent .NET Reflector tool:

Cache Invalidation Plugin

How It Works

In order to use the plugin, you must register it in the CRM using the Plugin Registration tool or similar.  Once the assembly has been registered, you can register steps for whichever entities and messages that you wish.  In my test, I chose to register steps for the Create, Update and Delete messages on the “incident” (Case) entity; mostly due to the fact that our clients have all required some form of access via the Partner Portal to Cases.

If you dig hard enough in the documentation and in postings around the web, you will find sufficient reference to the Portal framework’s Cache Invalidation Handler.  It is mapped to:


So, the next question is, “how does the plugin know how to find the cache invalidation handler?”.

The Portal framework’s CMS entities, contain (among many others) a Web Site entity; that entity has an attribute called ‘Cache Invalidation Handler URL.  Naturally, I initially thought it worked by looking at this attribute, but… it does not.

.NET Reflector to the rescue again!!  When I updated case entities, there was a corresponding error in the log from the plugin telling me that the parameter “configurationXml” cannot be null.  Which is basically telling us that we need to supply a configuration XML when we regsister a step for our plugin assembly.  Digging into Reflector again, I found:

So… we must supply a “Secure Configuration”, but what should it look like?  Back to Reflector:

So, the Configuration constructor throws the “configurationXml” null argument exception that I found in the CRM error log.  It requires that the configuration xml contain a “configuration” root node and builds a name/value collection from the subnodes.  Getting there…

So, we need a Configuration element with the name “invalidateCacheUrl”.  OK, so the final secure configuration XML looks like:


When I registered the steps, I modified the Description so that I could easily identity them in the CRM System Jobs view:

I’ve only done some preliminary testing with the Case (incident) entity, but I have no reason to believe that it won’t work with any or all of the entities; it is the same mechanism that many of us have been using, albeit rather more heavy handed.  But now, we can invalidate per entity instance.


October 29, 2010

To Cache or Not to Cache – CRM 4.0 SDK – Advanced Developer Extensions

Filed under: CRM — Tags: , , — pogo69 [Pat Janes] @ 00:05

Let’s face it; I’m a bit lucky with respect to my relatively recent introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM. I’ve entered the game to find a robust (most of the time AKA when it behaves) and mature product, without many of the restrictions and idiosyncrasies of earlier versions. I’ve still never even seen a CRM 3.0 or earlier system; and between you, me and the world, I’d like to keep it that way. Soon, we’ll see the introduction of CRM2011, which appears to be a developer’s dream – more customisation, packaged “solutions”, more in-depth integration, a more mature client and server object model.

But back to CRM 4.0. The biggest change brought by the most recent release of the CRM 4.0 SDK was the Advanced Developer Extensions (Microsoft xRM *). It allows developers to access CRM entity instances via LINQ; a set of extension methods introduced to C# to allow SQL like syntax querying of an appropriately mapped object model. So, by ditching the old unwieldy QueryExpression syntax, what would formerly have taken dozens of lines of code, can now be expressed by its far more compact (and far more maintainable) equivalent. Something like:

List<Xrm.mrc_coursesubject> subjects =
		from s in DataContext.mrc_coursesubjects
		join sa in DataContext.mrc_coursesubjectallocations on s.mrc_coursesubjectid equals sa.mrc_subjectid.Value
		join cs in DataContext.mrc_courseschedules on sa.mrc_courseid.Value equals cs.mrc_courseid.Value
		where cs.mrc_coursescheduleid == this._courseScheduleId
		select s

subjects.ForEach(subject =>
		this.ddlSubject.Items.Add(new ListItem(subject.mrc_name, subject.mrc_coursesubjectid.ToString()))

I won’t go further into it in this posting, but keep an eye out for a subsequent posting on some of the idiosyncrasies of CRM specific LINQ queries.

So… caching.

The xRM libraries ship with an inbuilt caching mechanism; also recently released were new versions of what have been termed “Accelerators”.  These complete reference websites are built around a CRM-driven CMS * system.  Because almost everything you see in the Accelerator websites is dynamically generated from entity instances in the CRM, it is very important that the data is cached appropriately.

This, however, has created a number of issues for developers hoping to use the xRM libraries to dynamically display CRM content on their 3rd party websites. Newly created/updated/deleted CRM data is not immediately viewable as previously obtained results are cached.  The documentation makes some reference to the caching mechanisms involved, but not enough to make it immediately obvious how to turn it off, and/or control it to meet your requirements.  While I don’t profess to understand every intricacy of the xRM caching framework, the following outlines what I did to meet our clients’ needs and it has certainly worked for us.

Basically, we pre-process every incoming page request in the ASP.NET Application File, Global.asax; empty functions elided for simplicity and clarity:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.SessionState;

namespace Namespace.Of.The.Week
	public static class Extensions
		public static void RemoveAll(this Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Caching.BaseCache cache)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> pair in (IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>)cache)

	public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
		#region Helper Routines
		private static void ClearCache(string entityName)
			var dependency = string.Format("adxdependency:crm:entity:{0}", entityName).ToLower();

			var cache = Microsoft.Xrm.Client.Caching.CacheManager.GetBaseCache();
		private static void ClearCache()

		protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
			string cacheRemoval = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Cache.Removal"];

			switch (cacheRemoval.ToLower())
				case "all":
					// clear all cache items for the following entities

				case "entity":
					string[] entities = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Cache.Removal.Entities"].Split(new char[] { ',' });
					foreach (string entity in entities)


* xRM – Anything (x) Relationship Management

* CMS – Content Management System

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